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Off-Campus PE

Private PE for junior high and high-schoolers in Conroe ISD as well as homeschooled children.


Enrollment is open March 11 - May 15, 2024

Parents can enroll their students in Off-Campus Physical Education on the CISD PE & Health website beginning March 11, 2024 


We base our curriculum off of CISD’s curriculum, which requires 5 hours (Category 2) activity per week OR 15 hours (Category 1) from the student.

Students will get their hours from riding, participating in barn chores and horse care or, if unable to meet the criteria on a specific week, doing make-up work at the discretion of the instructor to make up for hours. Homeschooled students will get their hours in the morning, whereas CISD students will do so in the evening.


Category 2: 2 riding lessons per week with additional hours coming from work around the barn for a total of 5 hours weekly. This is $350 monthly. 


Category 1: 3 riding lessons per week with the additional hours coming from work around the barn for a total of 15 hours weekly. These students will compete in barrel races and are eligible for early release from school. This is $550 monthly.  



Families must pay a registration fee of $75, due before the beginning of the school year. This is fully refundable if the student is not able to start the program. We offer discounts for those who pre-pay (yearly) and for siblings as well. 


How to Register

To register for off-campus PE…

Reach out to us via the contact us page. 


For CISD students:

After speaking with our staff and filling out the required forms, you will sign up via Conroe ISD’s website. 


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